Happy Friday and Aquarius New Moon blessings, curious hearts and mystical souls! As usual here on Tarot Daily, Friday is our FREE reading day. To claim your free one-card reading, simply ask your question for the Tarot in the comments below. As this publication is still very small with less than 100 subscribers, you have a 99.999% chance of getting your question answered but as always, it’s first come, first serve and TODAY ONLY so don’t be shy!
The Synergy of the Ace of Swords and the New Moon in Aquarius
Our card of the day is the Ace of Swords—A very positive sign on a New Moon in an Air Sign since the Suit of Swords corresponds with the Element of Air. It’s a sign of powerful new beginnings and intellectual breakthroughs.
The Ace of Swords speaks of a moment of clarity and breakthrough, cutting through confusion with sharp insight. As the card of the day, it resonates powerfully with the New Moon in Aquarius—an lunation that invites new beginnings in innovation, intellectual freedom, and collective consciousness. Both energies share a forward-looking energy. With the precision of the Ace of Swords, the New Moon in Aquarius encourages us to dissect the status quo and unearth solutions that serve the community at large. As the sword suggests decisions and mental clarity, this alignment could signify an individual as well as a collective wake-up call to address pressing issues with fresh intellectual vigour and clear intention.
The Aquarius New Moon, known for its humanitarian spirit and fellowship, invites us to plant seeds of friendship, kindness and altruism. The Ace of Swords amplifies this by providing unyielding resolve to use our thoughts and words only for the Highest Good. As individuals and groups of people harness this energy, it propels us toward prioritising the well-being of every member. Imagine a world where we implement our sharpest ideas based on the understanding of our innate Oneness. The synergy of Aquarian innovation and altruism with the discerning edge of the Ace of Swords may be just what is needed to cut through apathy and engender a collective movement towards compassionate problem-solving.
As we celebrate the New Moon today, we can spend some time contemplating the transformative power of our collective will. Each individual contribution to this transformation can become a building block for a more considerate and evolved society. The card of the day and the lunar phase together beckon us to sharpen our perspectives, broaden our horizons, and engage in dialogue that transcends boundaries—a testament to the human capacity for empathy and universal good.
Think about it—There would be more cause for hope in the world if we each decide to speak only good into existence. And yes, we have the power to do that. Words are that powerful. That’s why writing or sounding words out is known as spelling. We cast a spell with our worlds. We can judge the qualities of those spells by what we witness all around us.
As we move forward in 2024 and the Year of the Wood Dragon, the Ace of Swords showing up today is a good sign that our thoughts, decisions and words will craft a kinder world for everyone in the year ahead. Let's light a candle of hope and say, 'So mote it be!'
Questions for Your Tarot Journal
Journal about a cause or issue that resonates deeply with you. What fresh ideas or solutions can you offer to address this issue, and how can you involve others to multiply the impact?
Ponder an intention for the New Moon in Aquarius that could have significant outcomes. How could you harness the energy of the Ace of Swords to manifest your intention?
Explore the idea of 'casting spells with our words.' How have your words and thoughts shaped your reality recently? Write about an instance where speaking or thinking positively has manifested tangible changes in your life and environment.
If you would like a Tarot reading with me, please visit my services page.
Whatever you do today, I hope you do it with joy in your heart and peace in your mind.
Hey Raven!
What a fab idea ✨I would love to know what energy is trying to come forward in my life right now?
Hi Raven,
Thanks for free Friday readings.
I would like to know the best time for me to put myself out there and onto a public platform?